Dear Educator,

In honor of the joyous day of Yud Daled Kislev, we'd like to share with you an amazing tool that will enable your students to relive the Rebbe and Rebbetzin's wedding in a very exciting manner and give the day relevance in their lives.

We are pleased to once again offer you the Yud Daled Kislev Curriculum that was released four years ago.

Principals can sign up here and teachers can sign up here.

The curriculum consists of two parts: 

  • The Wedding - Telling the story of the wedding through an interactive PowerPoint presentation and a skit that your students can act out (they can even include costumes)
  • Yud Daled Kislev Today - Explaining the relevance of Yud Daled Kislev to each one of us and a prepared letter to the Rebbe where each student can share what their anniversary present to the Rebbe and Rebbetzin will be

Here is a sample of the curriculum which includes "interview #2" that documents the trip from Riga where the ufruf took place to Warsaw where the chassuna took place. Linked are the text for the children to read, the PowerPoint images to go along with it, and the Teachers Guide for that section. Here is the letter where students can fill out their matonos to the Rebbe and Rebbetzin and to be sent to the Ohel.

For your benefit there are multiple versions of the curriculum available:

  • Full Version - This version includes the PowerPoint presentation and the skits for the students to act out (this can be done over a few days and can take up to 3 hours)
  • Short Version - This includes a PowerPoint presentation that guides the teacher in telling the story without any handouts 
  • Hebrew PowerPoint Presentation*
  • Yiddish PowerPoint Presentation*

Principals can sign up here and teachers can sign up here.